European Cyber Security Challenge 2018 in London, UK

Organised by ENISA and hosted by the Cyber Challenge UK, the 2018 edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC2018) will take place from 15 to 17 October 2018 at the Tobacco Dock in London, United Kingdom. During this year’s edition, national teams of 17 participating countries will compete in London. France and Poland are


European Cyber Security Month

Cyber security is a shared responsibility! STOP.THINK.CONNECT   What is ECSM? European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) is an EU awareness campaign that promotes cyber security among citizens and organizations about the importance of information security and highlighting the simple steps that can be taken to protect their data, whether personal, financial and/or professional. The main


Meet the ECSC2018 Odyssey Cyprus Cyber Security Team

Nicos Mouzouras “I got involved with CTF competitions around a year ago when i received an email for participating to a CTF qualifier for forming a Cypriot cybersecurity team. I was a newbie back then (still am! 😛) and I barely had any practical experience. However, I worked hard and made it to the team.Now, after


Seminar series for the Cyprus ECSC2018 team

The mentors have organised seminars to prepare the Cyprus ECSC2018 team for their participation at the London ECSC 2018. The following seminars have been offered:   Topic: Introduction to Reverse Engineering Dates: 2, 8 and 9 September 2018 Trainer: George Nicolaou Location: ARIS – A Really Inspiring Space, Limassol     Topic: Αndroid applications /


ENISA launches the Cybersecurity Strategies Evaluation Tool

The new National Cybersecurity Strategies evaluation tool will help Member States evaluate their priorities according to their National Cyber Security Strategies. For each strategic objective, the tool offers recommendations and ideas on how to improve. ENISA developed the tool with the aim to provide results in a quick, easy and user-friendly manner. Authorities monitoring the implementation of


Selection of the ECSC2018 Cyprus team

Following the CCSC online CTF competition, 13 participants with the highest scores were invited to personal meetings with the interviewers team. The Cyprus National team members are: Juniors Mike Antoniades Panayiotis Gavriil Harris Hadjiantonis Christos Soteriou Seniors Stephanos Charalambous Stella Constantinou Konstantinos Konstantinou Nicos Mouzouras Antonios Papadopoulos Antreas Pogiatzis Senior substitutes in ranking order: Philokypros Ioulianou Konstantinos Diomedous Chrysanthos Sotiriou


1st Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge

The 1st Cyprus Cyber Security Challenge will take place from 6 July (Time: 23:59) to 8 July (Time 23:59) and more than 60 participants registered for the event! Follow the LINK and register by 5 July 2018!