Meet the ECSC2018 Odyssey Cyprus Cyber Security Team

Meet the ECSC2018 Odyssey Cyprus Cyber Security Team

Nicos Mouzouras

“I got involved with CTF competitions around a year ago when i received an email for participating to a CTF qualifier for forming a Cypriot cybersecurity team. I was a newbie back then (still am! ) and I barely had any practical experience. However, I worked hard and made it to the team.Now, after a year of hard work I am the proud captain of the Cypriot team!”


​Antonis Papadopolos

“My name is Antonis and I am currently a double degree master student majoring in Cyber Security and Advanced Cryptography at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, University of Twente(NL) and Eötvös Loránd University(HU). I was made aware of the ECSC through a blog post during last year and I thought that this is definitely one of the places to be. Being a part of the Cypriot national team in this year’s competition is a great opportunity to represent my country and equi​​p myself with more knowledge and invaluable experiences.”


Andreas Poyiatzis

“My name is Andreas Poyiatzis and I am currently studying for my master’s by research degree at the University of Glasgow. Intrigued by the challenging Cyber Security industry I am focusing my research on privacy preserving applications in the context of machine learning. CTF competitions is surely a fun way of applying hacking theory into practice. As such, I am certain that #ECSC2018 will be both an amazing experience and a valuable lesson. I am truly honored to be a part of the Cypriot National team this year. We will give our best to make Cyprus proud. Summarizing my feelings in three words: “Grateful, Determined, Humbled”.

Stephanos Charalambous

“From tech support to assistant network administrator, I spent quite a bit of time learning what goes into building a secure network from scratch. Now, I’m learning how to tear it all down. Currently studying Computer Science at the University of Southampton. On my free time, I tinker with Raspberry Pis and compete in CTF events. I qualified for the Cyprus team in the European Cyber Security Competition last year, and we managed to get 5th place. Now, armed with new knowledge, I’m eager to help my team attain a spot in the top three.”

Konstantinos Konstantinou

“Hello guys! My name is Konstantinos and I am a Master’s student pursuing an MSc in Cyber Security at the University of Birmingham. I have been involved in Cyber Security since the beginning of 2017 and have learned and practiced all the phases of the Penetration Testing methodology in a lab environment. I have also been involved in a real Red Team Operation and closely worked with experienced penetration testers and systems engineers.”