Nicos Mouzouras

Nicos Mouzouras

Nicos Mouzouras is an Advisor in Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Risk and Advisory services. He joined EY in October of 2018. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus, with an emphasis in Theory, Computer Systems, Problem Solving and Applications. He is currently pursuing an MSc in Cyber Security from the University of Nicosia, with a Full Scholarship after winning the 1 st place in the 2015-2016 Digital Championship Cyprus with the “DermaTrack” idea. Nicos is a novice in Penetration Testing, Vulnerability and Risk Assessments for web applications and systems infrastructure.

Nicos has participated two times at the European Cyber Security Challenge as a member (2017) and team captain (2018) of the Cypriot National team. He has participated in ethical-hacking competitions and CTF events and he has a wide range of IT skills such as programming skills in Java, C, C++, Python, Bash, JS, LUA, PHP, SQL, NoSQL. Designing, planning and implementing a web applications in Django framework , integrate
with LDAPS. Nicos also achieved to be place on top 100 in the world at IEEEXtreme 11.0 contest.

N. Mouzouras, A. Pogiatzis, S. Kleanthous, and G. Samaras
DermaTrack: A Skin Cancer Tracking Intelligent Application
Proceedings of the IUI ’17 Companion Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces Companion

Keywords: #RedTeam #SocialEngineering #web #pentest #ctf